Pine cone extract contains a number of bioactive phytochemicals that benefit the immune system. Polysaccharides, tannins, lignins and phenolic acids are all present in pine cone extract and have been clinically shown to stimulate cellular immune response and to increase your body’s production of antibodies.
Pine Cone Extract Health Benefits
Research on pine cone extract suggests that it:
- inhibits the growth of HIV in human T cells
- inhibits the growth of influenza
- inhibits the growth of the herpes simplex virus
- inhibits tumor activity
- suppress lymphoma – cancer that involves cells of the immune system boosting the immune system
Pine Cone Extract Skin Benefits
A recent study indicates that impaired dermal lymphatic vessels causes an accumulation of subcutaneous (under the skin) fat. As subcutaneous fat accumulates, your skin responds by becoming saggy. Other causes of sagging skin include lowered elasticity and a reduction in the number of collagen fibers. A specific type of pine cone extract, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) is now being identified as an anti-aging ingredient that can help remedy sagging skin. Scots pine extract is similar to the human peptide, apelin, which limits subcutaneous fat accumulation and improves lymphatic functioning. By strengthening and regularizing lymphatic vessels, Scots pine extract is able to help improve the appearance of sagging skin. The bottom line? Your facial lines and sagging neck may benefit from products formulated with Scots pine extract in the form of firmer, smoother skin.
While further research is required, pine cone extract appears to be a promising ingredient for your overall health and well-being as well as your skin. Choosing products containing pine cone extract from Scot’s pine can help you achieve firmer, younger looking skin. Innovative and complex skincare ingredients have made impressive advancements in skincare, but sometimes it’s nice to return to something more natural and pine cone extract is an ingredient that can help you have younger looking skin.